Category:Transportation -> Water transportation Country:Poland Featured companiesAgencja Transportowa Makro Service sp.j. [polish] [english]
We are forwarding company based in Poland. We organize all kind transport to from Poland by sea, air, road and rail and we are customs broker. We arrange full and part loads by road and by sea also.[...]
ROHLIG SUUS Logistics SA [polish] [english]
Rohlig Poland Sp. z o.o. provides forwarding services by 9 officess in Poland (Warsaw, Piaseczno, Krakow, Tychy, Wroclaw, Lodz, Poznan, Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, ) and more then 80 worlwide. We have created a unique quality management system based on ISO 9001:2000 standard.
Our offer:
- Transport : Air-freight, Sea-freight, Multimodal, Domestic
- Complex logistic services
- Warehousing and goods handling
- Outsourcing projects
- Dedicated operations (VMI – Vendor Managed Inventory)
- Customs[...]
C.Hartwig Gdynia S.A. [polish] [english]
We provide a wide range of forwarding and transportation services to the international trade community, home and abroad, using all modes of transport.
Concession No. 38 granted to us by the President of the Central Board of Customs allows us to act as Customs Agents in Gdynia, Gdansk, Peklewo, Poznan and Koroszczyn.
We also provide free transportation consulting services and intermediary services in negotiating insurance contracts.
Since 3rd March , 2000 we have been providing Cargo insurance[...]
M&M Militzer & Münch Polska Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
M&M Militzer & Münch Polska Sp. z o.o. is a mother company of the Polish M&M group, which makes part of the international holding M&M Militzer & Münch Internationale Holding A.G. based in St. Gallen, Switzerland. M&M group in Poland includes four companies as follows: M&M Militzer & Münch Polska Sp. z o.o., M&M Logistik Sp. z o.o., M&M Service Sp. z o.o. and M&M air cargo service Polska S.A
We offer: international forwarding „door to door” services[...]
Agencja Victoria Sprzęt, Środki, Usługi BHP I PPOŻ.
AGENCJA VICTORIA została założona w 1989 roku. Działalnością swoją obejmujemy całą Polskę, a szczególnie woj. Zachodniopomorskie i polskie Wybrzeże.
- dostawy ruchomego sprzętu p.poż. importowanego i krajowego dla okrętownictwa
- dostawy, przeglądy i naprawy wszelkiego typu podręcznego sprzętu gaśniczego
- doradztwo techniczne w zakresie zabezpieczeń przeciwpożarowych morskich i
- przeglądy i konserwacja instalacji hydrantowych i suchych pionów
- dostarczanie[...]