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Eurocompany Biuro Rachunkowe more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa
Street: Prawnicza 21a
Phone: +48 0000000
Firm Rank: star
logoHave you got a business located in Poland? Are you looking for a qualified accountant to be able to help you proceed with routine formalities? Accounting, tax, social security, employees. All you may need. We know how to solve problems before they arise. Please contact us. We offer accounting services according to the Polish law, we help our clients run smooth business in Polan[...]

Metopro Associates Ltd more [polish] [english]

Country: Hong Kong
Region: Hong Kong
City: Kwun Tong Kowloon
Street: A9+A10 6/F Wong's Building 33 Hung To Road
Phone: +852 23410168
Fax: +852 37434524
Firm Rank: 0
Property Tax is 15% of the net rent income earned from owning properties after deduction of 20% standard tax relief for renovation and expenditure. Rental income from flats outside HKG are not subject to Hong Kong tax and, mortgage loan interest (if any) is not a qualified expenses of the Hong Kong company. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences evaluated the competitiveness of the scope of the cities in China and listed out ten cities with the highest competitiveness. RMB Cross-border Trade Settlement[...]

Agnieszka Kozłowska more

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa
Street: Lachmana
Phone: +48 22 6434360
Firm Rank: 0
Firma zajmuje się działalnością w zakresie pełnej obsługi księgowo - kadrowej jednostek gospodarczych o profilu produkcyjnym, handlowym, usługowym oraz badawczo-rozwojowym. Działalność swoją prowadzi na podstawie certyfikatu księgowego Ministerstwa Finansów nr 9212 uprawniającego do usługowego prowadzenia ksiąg rachunkowych, jednocześnie posiadająć ubezpieczenie odpowiedzialności cywilnej dla osób świadczących zawodowo usługi w zakresie prowadzenia ksiąg rachunkowych. Zespół[...]

Extor Sp. z o.o. more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa
Street: Waliców 13
Phone: +48 22 5861186
Fax: +48 22 7308765
Firm Rank: 0
We are an outsourcing company specializing in providing financial and accounting services for medium and large companies. The company is run by managers with many years experience in accounting & finance management as well as implementing restructuring, financial and IT projects. Our mission is to reduce costs of accounting and support management by applying modern organizational and IT solutions. We handle both Polish and foreign companies in Poland. Extor manages the European Outsourcing[...]


Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa-Wawer
Street: Ligustrowa 2
Phone: +48 22 6182879
Fax: +48 22 6182879
Firm Rank: 0
Szanowni Państwo, jesteśmy firmą, oferującą współpracę dla firm i osób fizycznych w zakresie: • usługi księgowe obsługujemy podmioty gospodarcze: - osoby fizyczne, - spółki prawa cywilnego i handlowego od karty podatkowej, poprzez ryczałt, książkę przychodów i rozchodów po księgi handlowe - w różnych dziedzinach handlu i usług (posiadamy certyfikat wydany przez Ministra Finansów), sporządzamy niezbędne zeznania, deklaracje i sprawozdania, reprezentujemy[...]

1stContact Ltd more [polish] [english]

Country: United Kingdom
Region: United Kingdom
City: London
Street: 77/91 New Oxford Street
Phone: +44 0207 7595418
Fax: +44 0845 902357
Firm Rank: 0
1st Contact Ltd. a well established financial and accounting firm that specializes towards expatriates from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Poland offering them several different services. We deal with Tax returns/refunds, Visas, Bank accounts, Money transfers and many, many more matters. Benefits from using 1st Contact: - Friendly Customer-dedicated Service assistants – we will answer all your questions promptly and give you free quotations on all of[...]

PROFIT Lidia Owidzka more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk
Street: Grunwaldzka 583/72
Phone: +48 58 5541783
Firm Rank: 0
1/ Full accounting services in accordance with current legislation 2/ Tax returns (CIT, PIT, VAT) 3/ Monthly and annual financial statements - balance sheet, profit&loss account, cash flow and other reports required by Client 4/ Budgeting 5/ Accounting and financial consulting (cash flow management, hedging) 6/ E-ACCOUNTING - Accounting services by means of internet. Different solutions: a/ All accounting works are executed by my office but can be read by Client[...]

WSK Walentyna Krasuska more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa
Street: Sołtana 14/40
Phone: +48 22 4090315
Fax: +48 22 4360677
Firm Rank: 0
We offer accountancy services in Russian and English. We have a big experience in cooperation with foreign customers. Besides accounting we offer a translation services. We would like to invite you to our website to find out more about our company. We will help you to register your company in Poland.[...]